AdMob Plus Capacitor Plugin

AdMob Plus Capacitor Plugin
Adobe Experience Platform - Analytics plugin for Cordova apps.
Adobe Experience Platform - Core plugin for Cordova apps.
Select Multiple Contacts
Manage Android media files
Cordova plugin to fix local file XHR access inside WKWebView for Cordova iOS 6+
Alan Voice Cordova plugin
Provides access to the native biometric auth & device security APIs for Capacitor apps
Universal dark mode support for Ionic web and native apps
Enhanced, universal logging for Capacitor apps and plugins
Capacitor 5+ plugin that provides secure storage for the iOS and Android
A Capacitor plugin that provides full native splash screen functionality
Cordova plugin for communicating with HTTP servers with Approov integration and dynamic SSL pinning
Jailbreak Root detection Plugin for Capacitor
Fast, energy-efficient, highly-configurable QR code scanner.
A fast and efficient (QR) barcode scanner for Capacitor
Remote logging with Bugfender
Capacitor plugin to download and share files for the Web, Android and iOS
Capacitor OAuth 2 client plugin
Capacitor SMS plugin
Allows users to select a single contact from their device.
A native plugin for AdMob
Allows access to the IDFA (iOS) and AAID (Android)
Capacitor community plugin for changing an iOS app icon.
Capacitor Plugin for Microsoft's App Center SDK.
Capacitor plugin for AppCenter Analytics
Capacitor plugin for Microsoft's App Center Crashes
Capacitor Sign in with Apple
Receive geolocation updates even while the app is in the background.
A fast and efficient (QR) barcode scanner for Capacitor
Capacitor plugin for Bluetooth Low Energy
Camera preview
Plugin using native Maps API for Android and iOS.
Contacts Plugin for Capacitor
Native DateTime Picker Plugin for Capacitor Apps
Capacitor plugin for the DeviceCheck API
A native plugin for Facebook Login
Enable Firebase Cloud Messaging features for Capacitor apps
Capacitor File Opener. The plugin is able to open a file given the mimeType and the file uri.
A native plugin for firebase analytics.
Capacitor plugin for Firebase Crashlytics.
Capacitor OAuth 2 client plugin
Plugin using native Maps API for Android and iOS.
A native HTTP plugin for CORS-free requests and file transfers
Image to Text (OCR) Plugin for Capacitor
Enable Intercom features for Capacitor apps
Prevent your screen from getting some sleep!
Capacitor community plugin for reading app configurations written by a MDM (see appconfig.org) such as VMWare Workspace One.
Capacitor plugin for saving and retrieving photos and videos, and managing photo albums.
A native plugin for native audio engine
A native market plugin for linking to google play or app store.
PhotoViewer table images with fullscreen and sharing capabilities
Capacitor plugin for the Play Integrity API
Capacitor plugin that protects your app from displaying a screenshot in Recents screen/App Switcher.
Capacitor plugin with methods to check and update the Android Security Provider
control screen brightness on ios and android
A native plugin for speech recognition
Community plugin for native & electron SQLite databases
Stripe SDK bindings for Capacitor Applications
Stripe Identity SDK bindings for Capacitor Applications
Stripe SDK bindings for Capacitor Applications
Capacitor Plugin to prevent tap jacking in Android
Capacitor plugin for synthesizing speech from text.
Enable TwitterKit features for Capacitor
Capacitor plugin for UXCam and FullStory analytics. It uses UXCam for Android and iOS platforms and FullStory for Web/PWA.
capacitor plugin to record video
Capacitor plugin for Firebase Analytics.
Capacitor plugin for Firebase App.
Capacitor plugin for Firebase App Check.
Capacitor plugin for Firebase Authentication.
Capacitor plugin for Firebase Crashlytics.
Capacitor plugin for Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
Capacitor plugin for Firebase Performance Monitoring.
Capacitor plugin for Firebase Remote Config.
Capacitor plugin for ML Kit Barcode Scanning.
Capacitor plugin for ML Kit Translation.
Cordova Camera Plugin
Cordova InAppBrowser Plugin
Plugin to preview any file type from any where in native mode
The Action Sheet API provides access to native Action Sheets, which come up from the bottom of the screen and display actions a user can take.
The App API handles high level App state and events.For example, this API emits events when the app enters and leaves the foreground, handles deeplinks, opens other apps, and manages persisted plugin state.
The AppLauncher API allows to open other apps
Capacitor Background Runner
Capacitor plugin using Outsystems Barcode libs
The Browser API provides the ability to open an in-app browser and subscribe to browser events.
The Camera API provides the ability to take a photo with the camera or choose an existing one from the photo album.
The Clipboard API enables copy and pasting to/from the system clipboard.
The Device API exposes internal information about the device, such as the model and operating system version, along with user information such as unique ids.
The Dialog API provides methods for triggering native dialog windows for alerts, confirmations, and input prompts
The Filesystem API provides a NodeJS-like API for working with files on the device.
The Geolocation API provides simple methods for getting and tracking the current position of the device using GPS, along with altitude, heading, and speed information if available.
Google maps on Capacitor
The Haptics API provides physical feedback to the user through touch or vibration.
The Keyboard API provides keyboard display and visibility control, along with event tracking when the keyboard shows and hides.
The InAppBrowser Plugin provides a web browser view that allows you to load any web page externally. It behaves as a standard web browser and is useful to load untrusted content without risking your application's security. It offers three different ways t
Official Live Updates plugin for Capacitor
The Local Notifications API provides a way to schedule device notifications locally (i.e. without a server sending push notifications).
The Network API provides network and connectivity information.
The Preferences API provides a simple key/value persistent store for lightweight data.
The Push Notifications API provides access to native push notifications.
The Screen Orientation API provides methods to lock and unlock the screen orientation.
The Screen Reader API provides access to TalkBack/VoiceOver/etc. and provides simple text-to-speech capabilities for visual accessibility.
The Share API provides methods for sharing content in any sharing-enabled apps the user may have installed.
The Splash Screen API provides methods for showing or hiding a Splash image.
The StatusBar API Provides methods for configuring the style of the Status Bar, along with showing or hiding it.
The Storage API provides a simple key/value persistent store for lightweight data.
The Text Zoom API provides the ability to change Web View text size for visual accessibility.
The Toast API provides a notification pop up for displaying important information to a user. Just like real toast!
Provide Watch interfaces and communication
Capacitor plugin to access battery optimization settings on Android.
Capacitor plugin to run a foreground service on Android.
Capacitor plugin that let the user easily enter both a date and a time.
Capacitor plugin to open a file with the default application.
Capacitor plugin that assists with app updates.
Capacitor plugin for running background tasks.
Capacitor plugin to access and update the badge number of the app icon.
Unofficial Capacitor plugin for integrating with Cloudinary.
Capacitor plugin that allows the user to select a file.
Capacitor plugin to access managed configuration settings.
Capacitor plugin that allows the user to edit a photo.
Capacitor plugin to lock/unlock the screen orientation.
Camera preview
Crisp native SDK for capacitor
Switch the Flashlight / Torch of your device.
Detect if the mute switch is enabled/disabled on a device
In-app Subscriptions Made Easy with RevenueCat sdk
Record device's screen
Live update for capacitor apps
Upload file natively
Capacitor plugin in app browser
A native plugin for native audio engine
A native market plugin for linking to google play or app store.
Capacitor plugin for native forward and reverse geocoding
CaptureID Printer Plugin
CaptureID Camera Scanner Plugin
Native Sign In With Apple CapacitorJS Plugin
Google Auth plugin for capacitor.
Cordova Plugin AGC AppLinking
Google Auth plugin for capacitor.
Datalogic Cordova SDK for Android devices
A Capacitor plug in to scan QR Codes
Zebra printer capacitor plugin library with ZSDK API
A fast and efficient (QR) barcode scanner for Capacitor
This plugin gives you the ability to use the Dynatrace instrumentation in your hybrid application (Cordova, Ionic, ..). It uses the Mobile Agent, the JavaScript Agent. The Mobile Agent will give you all device specific values containing lifecycle informat
Capacitor Peer to Peer connectivity plugin
plugin used for connect the device trhought Wifi also with prefix
A native plugin for firebase remote config
Google Auth plugin for capacitor.
A native plugin for native audio engine
Apple Pay plugin for Capacitor
UDP Plugin for CapacitorJS inspired by the UDP Plugin of https://github.com/unitree-czk/capacitor-udp
This is a plugin for Capacitor that enables Chromecast functionality for iOS and Android.
Cordova plugin to save base64 data as a png image into the device
Register and receive push notifications.
A plugin to expose the safe area insets from the native iOS/Android device to your web project.
Cordova HMS Location Plugin
Cordova HMS Push Plugin
Capacitor plugin for Branch.io deep links
Enable Intercom features for Capacitor apps
Capacitor plugin for Mixpanel
Capacitor Plugin for Navigation Bar
Capacitor plugin for the SmartScanner Core library to scan MRZ, NFC and barcodes
Preview any file
Android 6.0 permissions check.
Capacitor Plugin used to enable Apple Pay in an Application
This plugin allows you to add credit cards to Apple Wallet
Auth Connect adds single sign-on and secure user authentication to a Capacitor or Cordova project using OpenID Connect authentication standards (OIDC).
Shows the count of unread messages as a badge on the app icon.
Cordova Camera Plugin
Enables module federation with Capacitor
Clipboard management plugin for Cordova/PhoneGap that supports iOS, Android, and WP8
Ionic Contacts Plugin
Integration for Couchbase Lite (2.x+) in Ionic enterprise apps
Cordova Device Plugin
Cordova Notification Plugin
Cordova Geolocation Plugin
Capacitor Plugin used to enable Google Pay in an Application
Identity Vault is an all-in-one frontend identity management system that combines security best practices and the latest in biometric authentication options for Ionic apps running on iOS and Android. The Vault manages secure user identity and session toke
Cordova InAppBrowser Plugin
Support for Microsoft Intune
Native storage of variables in Android, iOS and Windows
Cordova Network Information Plugin
Cordova Screen Orientation plugin
Secure Storage is a local database system for high performance, secure data storage on iOS and Android. It provides full SQL query and relational data support through SQLite, as well as key/value support. Full encryption support (using 256-bit AES) is pro
Cordova Splashscreen Plugin
Provide SSL pinning for Capacitor Native HTTP Plugin
Cordova StatusBar Plugin
Capacitor Plugin used to enable Zebra Scanning DataWedge API functionality in an Application
IronSource Mediation Adapter for AdMob
A File Opener Plugin for Cordova
Capacitor plugin for skipping ssl checks
Capacitor plugin for media notifications and platform media keys as well as background audio playback
Capacitor Plugin for Firebase Dynamic Links
Enable Intercom features for Capacitor apps
A Capacitor plugin for Segment analytics
A native plugin for firebase remote config
Capacitor plugin to register push notifications via Azure Notification Hub.
Capacitor plugin for multiple image selection
Capacitor plugin to get information from device's sim cards
Allows printing on SPP BT printers
Enable Intercom features for Capacitor apps
Cordova Background Geolocation Plugin
The Push Notifications API provides access to native Azure push notifications for Capacitor.
Basic websocket for capacitor
AI-driven credit card scanning for cross-platform apps built with Capacitor.
A small and powerful ID card Capacitor plugin for BlinkID SDK
Enable Firebase Cloud Messaging features for Capacitor apps
Capacitor plugin that launches salesforce chat ui
Moodle's fork of a File Opener Plugin for Cordova.
Moodle's fork of Cordova File Transfer Plugin
Moodle's fork of Cordova InAppBrowser Plugin
Moodle's fork of a general purpose intent shim layer for cordova appliations on Android. Handles various techniques for sending and receiving intents.
Moodle's fork of Cordova Local Notifications Plugin
Moodle's fork of Cordova QRScanner Plugin.
Moodle's fork of Cordova Plugin File
Moodle's fork of Cordova Push Plugin.
This Microphone API provides the ability to interact with the microphone and record Audio
Capacitor plugin for picking contact from native contacts list
A native plugin for firebase remote config
Connect to SIP phone line
Run SQLite on the device and IndexedDB in the browser with exactly the same API with nanoSQL 2!
NativeScript for Capacitor
NewRelic Plugin for ionic Capacitor
Capacitor geocoder plugin for iOS and Android to reverse and forward addresses
Native DateTime Picker Plugin for Capacitor Apps
Capacitor Wrapper for TextRecognition of Gogoles ML-Kit
Capacitor wrapper for Headwind MDM
Native bridge with Capacitor plugin and PixelPaySDK
Capacitor Plugin for Native Firestore
Integrate with Square Payments SDK
Starts navigation in the native maps application
Notification that user shot screenshot
This plugin enables MSAL support for Capacitor.
Cordova plugin for reading and validation of identification documents (API framework)
Cordova plugin for reading and validation of identification documents (Core framework)
Cordova plugin for compairing faces using phone`s camera
Cordova plugin for compairing faces using phone`s camera (Core framework)
Cordova plugin for face detection (Huawei Vision framework)
Google Auth plugin for capacitor.
A native plugin for firebase remote config
The Rokt Cordova SDK enables you to integrate Rokt into your mobile apps to drive more value from—and for—your customers.
Capacitor Plugin that wraps the Emarsys SDK
Intercom Plugin for Capacitor
Official Sentry SDK for Capacitor
Get native IDFA or Advertising ID from iOS or Android device.
Cordova plugin for uploading file in the background
You can use the BarcodeScanner plugin to scan different types of barcodes (using the device's camera) and get the metadata encoded in them for processing within your application.
Camera preview capacitor
Tapdaq IronSource adapter for Apache Cordova
Records video
Webview Overlay
A File Opener Plugin for Cordova. (The Original Version)
Cordova Plugin for Genius Scan SDK
Plugin to retrieve and use the google play install referrer
Periodic callbacks in the background for both IOS and Android
The most sophisticated cross platform Capacitor background location tracking & geofencing module with battery-conscious motion-detection intelligence
The Browser API provides the ability to open an in-app browser and subscribe to browser events.
Capacitor OAuth 2 client plugin
A File Opener Plugin for Cordova. (The Original Version)
This Cordova plugin provides JavaScript API, that allows you to communicate with server through TCP protocol. Currently we support these platforms: iOS, Android, WP8.
Capacitor plugin which manages the media session
Capacitor Plugin for android intent
Capacitor plugin to open files
Capacitor plugin to pick files
Capacitor plugin to handle media files
Capacitor plugin to capture video
Capacitor plugin to edit videos
Capacitor plugin for media notifications and platform media keys as well as background audio playback
Google AdMob plugin for Cordova, Phonegap and Intel XDK ,support ios and android,support admob v1 and admob v2 ,Monetize your app with one javascript line.simple and easy to use api.build on admob ios 7.6 and admob android sdk 8 project home:https
Trustable Google AdMob Cordova Plugin, successor of cordova-plugin-admob-free. Unlike some Cordova AdMob plugins, no ad-sharing, free to use. TypeScript friendly. Compatible with Ionic. admob-plus-cordova is one of the most popular Cordova AdMob plugins.
Cordova Plugin for AdMob Plus Native Ad
Native Mobile SDKs, dev tools and example apps.
This plugin mimics the API of the aerogear-js crypto functions as close as possible, but delegates the work to the native implementations
Integrate AirWatch SDK capabilities into your Cordova project
Cordova plugin for Akamai BMP SDK
Cordova Android Camera Permission Plugin
AppsFlyer SDK plugin for Capacitor
Apptentive Plugin For Cordova
You can use the BarcodeScanner plugin to scan different types of barcodes (using the device's camera) and get the metadata encoded in them for processing within your application.
This plugin tracks current location when the app is open or is in background
Plugin for scanning barcode and QR codes
AI-driven credit card scanning for cross-platform apps built with Capacitor.
This Cordova plugin provides JavaScript API, that allows you to communicate with server through TCP protocol. Currently we support these platforms: iOS, Android, WP8.
Call Number from Cordova Application
CodePush Plugin for Capacitor. Working with Capacitor 6.
Auto adjust the native android layout when the keyboard opens. Needed when using translucent status and navigation bars.
Simple intent tools for Capacitor on Android
Add shortcuts in Android
Capacitor plugin to verifies the integrity of the static assets of your application, cheking if the files have changed since the original build.
Capacitor plugin to request user authorization to access app-related data for tracking the user or the device. iOS only.
Capacitor plugin to implement payment function via Apple Pay
Appmetrica capacitor plugin
This plugin provides functions to detect the devices safe area and the status bar and navigation bar height.
Plugin sencillo para solicitar permiso de microfono en Android y iOS.
Auto Start Manager, Check Automatic Date Time Zone, Check Camera
CA App Experience Analytic native SDK's capacitor supplement for using custom metrics
A native plugin to get geolocation updates also when app is in background
capacitor plugin for counting step works in background
A capacitor plugin for using biometric features of android and iOS devices.
ble printer
Write javascript Blobs to the filesystem efficiently
Capacitor plugin for Bluetooth Low Energy
Capacitor plugin for Branch.io deep links
Simple native calendar handling for Capacitor
Plugin to pick files/images/videos from android or ios.
Provide PushKit functionality to ionic capacitor
Select a video in ios
This Ionic Capacitor plugin is created to make video calls through Cloudvoice video platform on iOS and Android.
Enable some media features for Capacitor such as create albums, save videos, gifs and more.
SQLite Storage of key/value strings pair
DataWedge plugin for capacitor
A Capacitor plugin that lets you scan documents using Android and iOS
White listing an Android application programmatically from battery optimize settings
E-Mail Composer Plugin for Capacitor
exit app on ios
Allow users to authenticate with Face ID or Touch ID on iOS devices
Capacitor plugin for facecbook ads
This plugin presents the native UI for picking a file.
A Capacitor Plugin to select Files
Select File from the Native Filesystem
Capacitor Plugin for Firebase Push
Switch the Flashlight / Torch of your device.
Start a fullscreen intent with a local notification triggered by a push notification
Capacitor plugin for Google Auth.
Capacitor Plugin Google Play Services Checker
Plugin using native Maps API for Android and iOS.
Plugin for executing android intents from Capacitor app
Prompt to display dialog for saving password to keychain for iOS webview app.
This Ionic Capacitor plugin is created to make video calls through the free, open-sourced Jitsi video platform (https://meet.jit.si) on iOS and Android.
Allow access from to kindred native extension
Android kiosk mode for capacitor
Capacitor plugin to support LINE Login
Show a truly native mapbox map.
Show a truly native mapbox map.
Plugin that returns the marketing name of the phone
Capacitor plugin to avoid location mocking
MoEngage is a mobile marketing automation company. This capacitor SDK helps you track events, trigger smart notifications.
Capacitor MIDI plugin by MuseTrainer
Implementation of MusicControls for Capacitor 3+ projects
Implementation of MusicControls for Capacitor 3+ projects
This plugin gives access to the native biometric apis for android and iOS
Capacitor plugin to open native settings screens for android and iOS
Launch the app by a NFC tag and read the data
Set the app icon's notification badge number
A native plugin used for bluetooth low-energy communication with locks from OKLOK
A simple plugin that opens the app's settings page (if it exists)
Allow to add .pkpass files to Apple Wallet
This is ionic capacitor plugin for paytm all in one sdk
Capacitor plugin to request user authorization to access app-related data for tracking the user or the device.
Implement native biometrics
Fork de BluetoothPrinter intentado adaptar a capacitor
A capacitor camera plugin
a ionic dingding plugin
A capacitor plugin for Dynamsoft Barcode Reader
A Capacitor plugin for camera preview
Provide Facebook analytics functionality to Capacitor-based projects.
a file download plugin for capacitor3.0+
Glassfy Plugin
A smart customer support plugin for capacitor
a capacitor plugin to get SafeArea info on Android and IOS
Capacitor Plugin for Siri Shortcuts
VK Authentication with capacitor
Clears Android WebView cache
Get devices wifi IP address
Print the webview
Capacitor plugin for Radar, the leading geofencing and location tracking platform
Let users rate your app using native rate app dialog for both Android and iOS.
This plugin is used for integration related to ionic Capacitor and its latest versions.
A simple plugin to read from Info.plist on iOS and strings.xml on Android
A Capacitor plugin to check and request permission for using location service (Android)
Handle screen orientation of a mobile device.
Record device's screen
Get pixel density of iOS and Android devices
This plugin take screenshot of the app or webpage
Securely store secrets such as usernames, passwords, tokens, certificates or other sensitive information (strings) on iOS & Android
A Capacitor Plugin that provides native capabilities to retrieve media files sent via iOS Share Extension and Android Send Intent events
Native sound effects
Capacitor SQLite Plugin
Ionic Capacitor Stockfish interface
Capacitor plugin for Stripe Terminal (credit card readers).
This plugin allows to suppress longpress gesture in iOS system. Designed for capacitor v6, and support previous versions also. Check readme.md
Enable the back/forward swipe guestures support for iOS
Toggle text interaction in Capacitor based iOS apps.
udp plugin
OTA update for capacitor apps
custom Native Capacitor plugin to play a video
A vlc capacitor plugin for Ionic
Capacitor plugin for voice recording
Hardware volume buttons listener for Capacitor
This plugin allows you to define a wallpaper in Android with Capacitor and IONIC
Capacitor Webview Overlay
Capacitor Youtube Player
Capacitor plugin to send ZPL messages to Zebra printers
Capacitor ZeroConf plugin
Zip and Unzip files on android. Tested on cap v3. Based on Zip4j library.
kakao login for capacitor5
Fork copy of capgo-inappbrowser with intent handling on android webview
This plugin allows to add card.io scanning capabilities to your application using card.io SDK Native library
Cashfree PG plugin for capacitor
Cordova/Ionic/Phonegap plugin for Cashfree's Mobile payments SDKs
Cordova Purchase plugin for iOS, Android, Windows (AppStore, Play, UWP)
CleverPush Cordova plugin
CleverTap Plugin for Cordova/PhoneGap
CMB Scanner Cordova Plugin
Plugin para scaneamento de códigos de barras 2D pequenos, com utilização de inteligência artificial.
Monetize your cordova application using the UnityAds 4 API
Cordova Base64 Plugin
General purpose intent shim layer for cordova appliations on Android. Handles various techniques for sending and receiving intents.
Infobip Mobile Messaging Cordova Plugin
Cordova plugin for Jetbeep SDK solution.
This plugin is intended to show a picture from an URL into a Photo Viewer with zoom features.
Bugsee plugin for Cordova
screenshot PhoneGap Plugin for Android
Phonegap plugin for check or launch other application in android device.
Scandit Barcode Scanner Plugin
Cordova Plugin that use the iOS class SKStoreReviewController to open the inapp review popup available since iOS 10.3
This plugin allows to add to add PayPal Payments to your application using PayPal Mobile SDK Native library
PayUmoney PNP Plugin
TestFairy SDK plugin for Cordova
Proximity Beacon Monitoring and Transmission Plugin (supporting iBeacons)
A Cordova/Capacitor plugin to display video from the device's camera into an HTML canvas element.
Augmented Reality Wikitude SDK Plugin The Wikitude Cordova Plugin enables developers to embed an augmented reality view into their Cordova project. You can create a fully featured app with advanced augmented reality features, including image reco
Trustable Google AdMob Cordova Plugin
this is for get contacts
Google AdMob Ads plugin for Cordova, Phonegap, Ionic/Angular, Ionic Native and Intel XDK. Monetize your app with one javascript line. Android Google Play Services SDK, iOS SDK v7.13.1. With support for tappx and auto-detect internet connection.
Easy to use and very complete admob ads plugin for cordova, phonegap, intel and ionic. Android Google Play Services SDK and iOS SDK v7.13.1.
Trustable Google AdMob Cordova Plugin
Google AdMob SDK to Cordova.
Google Mobile Ads SDK, as dependency for cordova plugins
This plugin helps to build your app with AndroidX library.
Enhanced CordovaPlugin class
This plugin allows you to add passes and credit cards to Apple Wallet
The most sophisticated cross-platform background location tracking & geofencing plugin with battery-conscious motion-detection
Cordova / Capacitor Background Geolocation. The most sophisticated, cross-platform location-tracking and geofencing plugin with battery-conscious motion-detection intelligence.
Cordova Background Geolocation Plugin
Cordova Background Geolocation Plugin For Anrdoid and iOS With JS Callbacks
You can use the BarcodeScanner plugin to scan different types of barcodes (using the device's camera) and get the metadata encoded in them for processing within your application.
Cordova plugin to save base64 data as a png image into the device
A Cordova plugin to determine if the device has a screen lock enabled.
This plugin provides TCP client sockets for Android and iOS.
Clipboard management plugin for Cordova/PhoneGap that supports iOS, Android, and WP8
Connectivity status monitoring. Detects if there is WIFI/3G/EDGE/CDMA available.
Cordova/Phonegap plugin to update platform configuration files based on preferences and config-file data defined in config.xml.
Cordova Device Accounts Plugin
Cordova Device Accounts Plugin
Cordova disable NSURL cache plugin
Cordova Fabric.io Plugin
Cordova Facebook SDK Plugin
Cordova File Transfer Plugin
Cordova plugin to perform code updates on the fly
Share the content of a canvas element or a dataUrl encoded image using the Instagram application for iOS and Android.
Cordova Install Referrer API
This plugin sets ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption to false in *-Info.plist file
Cordova/Phonegap plugin for iOS and Android to assist in leaving user reviews/ratings in the App Stores.
iOS Google AdMob Ads library base dependency for other plugins
MoEngage Cordova SDK
Native settings opener for Cordova
This cordova plugin invokes permission for all the hardwares which require for a video chat
A starting point for all in one sdk
A starting point for a Cordova Plugin
is a HTML to PDF (offline) Generator.
Cordova/Ionic Google Play Services Versions Incompatibility Adapter
Modified Cordova Device Plugin
Add Quick Actions to your Home Screen which can be triggered by 3D Touch. Also, you can enable Link Preview with this plugin. Supported on iPhone6S an up.
Show a sheet of options the user can choose from.
Add Swift support to your iOS plugins
Cordova AdMob Plugin for Google AdMob
Ultimate Cordova Plugin for Google AdMob and DFP to monetize hybrid apps. Show mobile Ad with single line of JavaScript. Compatible with Cordova CLI, Ionic, etc.
Prevent apps from going to sleep in background.
Android geolocation plugin for both GPS and NETWORK-based location providers. Also can return satellite info, cellular info and cellular network signal strength.
Cordova / Phonegap plugin for communicating with HTTP servers using SSL pinning
Cordova Plugin for an advanced (multiple) ImagePicker
Cordova Plugin for using WebSockets
This cordova ionic plugin allows you to perform AES 256 encryption and decryption on the plain text. It's a cross-platform plugin which supports both Android and iOS. The encryption and decryption are performed on the device native layer so that the perfo
Amazon In-App Purchases Plugin
Phonegap, Cordova, Ionic, Intel XDK Google Analytics Firebase plugin for iOS/Android with full support for views, events, timings, ecommerce and social.
Apache Cordova plugin to enable proper dark mode support for Android WebView's
Cordova plugin to use Android fingerprint authentication API
An android plugin that provides a replacement activity to the default activity to start a cordova application with MainActivity as a Fragment Activity. Useful when you want to add native views on top of cordova webview.
Cordova plugin for retrieving IMEI of the device
Cordova plugin for saving base64 image DataURI to the gallery in Android
Cordova Android Notch Plugin
Manage android notification channels in cordova application
Android 6.0 permissions check.
A wrapper plugin for rootbeer library. This library is used to detect root on Android Devices.
Cordova Plugin for changing SoftInputMode at runtime
Android Support v4
Set the volume on Android devices
Allows to call some methods of Cordova Android WebView
Share text, images (and other files), or a link via the native sharing widget of your device. Android is fully supported, as well as iOS 6 and up. WP8 has somewhat limited support.
This plugin allows your Android app to download and install compressed updates without the Google Play Store.
Broadcasts UIApplicationDelegate events
Implements navigator.app.exitApp on Android, iOS and browser
Change the homescreen icon of your app from code.
Application preferences plugin and preference pane generator
Cordova plugin to review app
Cordova App Update
This plugin for Cordova and PhoneGap allows you to check if an app is installed. It requires an URI Scheme (iOS) or a Package Name (Android).
Provides Microsoft Azure App Center Analytics client for Cordova
Provides Microsoft Azure App Center Crashes client for Cordova
Provides Microsoft Azure App Center shared functionality for Cordova
Cordova plugin for integrating Apple Pay and Google Pay in modern cordova apps
Cordova / PhoneGap Plugin for the Apple Watch (WatchKit) to allow in memory and lightweight json object message passing over named queues from a Cordova app to Apple Watch (and vice versa).
AppLovin MAX Cordova Plugin for Android and iOS
This is a cordova plugin to minimizes the application in android devices.
Cordova Config.XML settings access Plugin
Cordova AppsFlyer SDK Plugin
Access the native app version & build number in JavaScript
This is pcv plugin for Attestation in Cordova!
This cordova plugin enables audio capture from the device microphone, by in (near) real-time forwarding raw audio data to the web layer of your application.
Adds support for authentication dialogs into Apache Cordova.
The application will be automatically started after the every boot and the automatic update of your application. You can enable or disable the autostart function in your app.
Get and Set AVAudioSession information in iOS
Shared preferences for Cordova. Save and retrieve persistent key-value pairs of any Javascript data type.
Background Audio for iOS When included within a cordova/phonegap build then the application will support background audio for iOS out of the box. No further action is necessary. This negates having to use location/other solutions that may not b
A plugin to periodically awaken your app in the background every 15 minutes to perform some work.
Cordova Background GeoLocation Plugin
Prevent apps from going to sleep in background.
Enable Bluetooth Central Background Mode on iOS
Enable Bluetooth Peripheral Background Mode on iOS
Prevent apps from going to sleep in background.
Prevent apps from going to sleep in background. iOS fix.
Cordova / PhoneGap Plugin for running background tasks (will also run for up to 3 minutes after the app is suspended).
Cordova plugin for uploading file in the background
Shows the count of unread messages as a badge on the app icon.
Shows the count of unread messages as a badge on the app icon.
Cordova Barcode Scanner Plugin
Cordova Base64 Plugin
Cordova Battery Plugin
Scan the fingerprint of your user with the TouchID sensor, or the user's Face with Face ID on iPhone X
Bluetooth Low Energy Cordova plugin
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Central Plugin
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Peripheral Plugin
Cordova Bluetooth Serial Port Profile Communication Plugin
Set Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Description on iOS
Bluetooth Serial Communication Plugin
Use the Bluetooth Low Energy plugin to connect your Cordova app to new Bluetooth devices like heart rate monitors, thermometers, etc...
Cordova Brightness Control Plugin
Cordova Bring To Front Android Plugin
Allow send message from Javascript to Native
Cordova and Capacitor plugin for brother label printers
Open browser in your app
Cordova Plugin to integrate browser-sync in the workflow
A fork of original Cordova Plugin to integrate browser-sync in the workflow
In-app browser tabs for Android and iOS
Cordova/Phonegap driver for bluetooth printers
Cordova Bugfender Plugin
Cordova/PhoneGap Build Information Plugin. Get PackageName, Version, Debug and more...
Cordova Clear Cache Plugin
This is a WebView cache plugin for Cordova 6.1.1+ supporting Android (>=4.1) and iOS(>=6.0). It allows to clear the cordova webview cache.
This is a WebView cache plugin for Cordova supporting Android. It allows to delete the cordova webview cache.
This plugin allows you to manipulate the native calendar.
Call Number from Cordova Application
A plugin to get the device's call log
Cordova Camera Plugin
Get an stream from the iOS device to enable the camera view on an HTML element
Cordova Camera Plugin that will return an image as well as the EXIF data (including GPS location) on iOS and Android devices.
JPush for cordova plugin
This plugin enables the management of cookies in WebViews on iOS and Android as those platforms restrict the use of "document.cookie".
Cordova Certificate Plugin
Cordova file chooser plugin
This plugin provides common services for chrome.socket and chrome.sockets APIs on iOS.
This plugin provides TCP client sockets for Android and iOS.
This plugin provides UDP sockets for Android and iOS.
This plugin provides the ability to query basic CPU information of the system.
Barcode Reader Cordova Plugin for CipherLab Android Mobile Devices
A Cordova plugin for Android & iOS to persist user settings in cloud storage across devices and installs.
A Cordova/PhoneGap plugin to add support for Cocoapod dependencies.
A Cordova/PhoneGap plugin to add support for Cocoapod dependencies.
CodePush Plugin for Apache Cordova
Free facebook audience network ads for cordova user. This supports banner ads, Interstitial ads and reward video.
[DEPRECATED] This repo is for remaining backwards compatible with previous versions of Cordova.
Cordova plugin that lets you use Conekta's Native SDKs for Android and iOS
Google Consent SDK Cordova Plugin
Cordova Console Plugin
Cordova Contacts Plugin
Cordova Plugins for managing contacts
This plugin enables the management of cookies in WebViews on iOS and Android as those platforms restrict the use of "document.cookie".
Cordova Cookies Plugin
Allow CORS requests on iOS with WKWebView.
Crop an image in a Cordova app
Changes the default WebView to CrossWalk
Plugin to integrate with the ZBar barcode scanning library.
Cordova SNTP Plugin
Cordova Custom Config Parameters Plugin
Launch your app by using this URL: mycoolapp://, you can add a path and even pass params like this: mycoolerapp://somepath?foo=bar
Launch your app by using this URL: mycoolapp://, you can add a path and even pass params like this: mycoolerapp://somepath?foo=bar, supports up to 9 scheme.
Cordova Datecs Printer Plugin
Cordova DatePicker Plugin
Cordova/Phonegap plugin to copy SQLite Database from www directory to app database directory
Cordova DBMeter plugin
Cordova plugin decimal keyboard
Cordova plugin to show decimal keyboard on iPhones
Cordova plugin decimal keyboard for wkwebview
Cordova plugin to add in your application support for Universal Links (iOS 9) and Deep Links (Android). Basically, open application through the link in the browser.
Detects screenshots on iOS
Cordova Device Plugin
[DEPRECATED] Cordova Device Motion Plugin
Cordova Device Name Plugin
Cordova Device Orientation Plugin
This is a cordova plugin that verifies if developer settings is enabled.
Use Nordic Semiconductor's Device Firmware Update (DFU) service to update a Bluetooth LE device
Cordova Notification Plugin
Cordova Directions Plugin to utilise native maps for satnav style direction purposes (using latitude and longitude or address).
Plugin to disable the iOS 11 statusbar
Simple plugin to get any SSDP / UPnP / DLNA service on a local network
Manually resolve DNS hostnames to IPs for diagnosing network setup.
cordova plugin for document scanner
PDF Document viewer cordova plugin for iOS, Android and Windows 8.1 + 10
If you want to run your application in backround mode and it shoud standby even battery optimization enabled, then this Cordova plugin is used to check the doze or battery optimization status and also it help to request whitlest popup for battery optimiza
Android Cordova Plugin that uses draw over all apps feasure to display a Web view
Plugin for Dynamsoft Barcode Reader
Cordova Email Plugin
Provides access to the standard interface that manages the editing and sending an email message
Enables apps to retrieve information on EMM application configuration (or managed app configuration)
Cordova Plugin Enable cleartextTraffic
Cordova Plugin integrating the Epson ePOS2 SDK for iOS and Android
cordova plugin esptouch v2 for esp8266 and esp32
A cordova plugin to zip files and folders in cordova app. Requies cordova-plugin-file.
A cordova plugin that allows to exclude files from the build
Cordova plugin for exiting the app programmatically for Android, iOS and WP
Implements navigator.app.exitApp on WP8, Android
Implements navigator.app.exitApp on iOS
Implements navigator.app.exitApp on WP8, Android
Cordova Plugin common extension with adapter interface
Cordova Facebook SDK Plugin
Cordova Facebook SDK 4 Plugin
A face detection offline with a few lines of code. Was designed to run on old smartphones.
Cordova Facebook SDK Plugin
Cordova FFMPEG plugin with ffmpeg kit
Cordova File Plugin
A File Opener Plugin for Cordova. (The Original Version)
A File Opener Plugin for Cordova. (A Forked Version)
A File Opener Plugin for Cordova without APK (REQUEST_INSTALL_PACKAGES)
Cordova File Transfer Plugin
Cordova File Transfer Plugin
Cordova FileChooser Plugin
Resolve native file paths from content URLs for Cordova platforms
This plugin makes possible to pick files from iCloud or other document providers
Cordova plugin to use fingerprint authentication on Android and iOS
Cordova plugin for Google Firebase
Cordova plugin for Firebase Analytics
Cordova plugin for Firebase Authentication
Cordova plugin for Firebase Remote Config
Cordova plugin for Firebase Crashlytics
A Google Firebase Crashlytics plugin
Cordova plugin for Firebase Dynamic Links
Cordova plugin for Firebase In-App Messaging
Cordova plugin for Google Firebase
Cordova plugin for Firebase Messaging
Cordova plugin to extend Firebase messaging to a project with UrbanAirship and Intercom
Cordova plugin for Google Firebase
Cordova plugin for Google Firebase
A Google Firebase Firestore plugin
Cordova File Transfer Plugin
This plugin allows you switch the Flashlight / Torch of your device on or off.
Foreground service with ongoing notification.
This cordova plugin is created to use ftp (client) in web/js.
Plugin for Cordova (or PhoneGap) 3.0+ to enable true full screen on Android devices using lean and immersive modes
Cordova geofence plugin
Cordova Geolocation Plugin
This Cordova plugin provides JavaScript API, that allows you to communicate with server through TCP protocol. Currently we support these platforms: iOS, Android, WP8.
Cordova Globalization Plugin
Google Universal Analytics Plugin
Google Maps native SDK for Android and iOS, and Google Maps JavaScript API v3 for browser.
Cordova Device Gyroscope Plugin
Host Card Emulation (HCE) Plugin
HeaderColor is a cordova plugin to change color of header in multitask view. Android devices.
## Installing
Cordova WiFi Hotspot Plugin
Cordova / Phonegap plugin for communicating with HTTP servers using SSL pinning
Cordova / Phonegap plugin for communicating with HTTP servers using SSL pinning
Cordova Plugin to embed httpd (web server) into Cordova App
Proximity Beacon Monitoring and Transmission Plugin (supporting iBeacons)
Cordova plugin for getting Advertising ID (IDFA or AAID)
Cordova plugin to get Advertising ID (IDFA or AAID)
This plugin allows selection of multiple images from the camera roll / gallery in a phonegap app
Cordova / Phonegap plugin for resizing images
Cordova InAppBrowser Plugin
Cordova InAppBrowser PopupBridge Plugin
InfineaSDK Cordova plugin
A plugin that you can use Insider SDK with Cordova and Ionic
Prevent the screen of the mobile device from falling asleep.
Cordova Plugin for Android to access intent
Official Cordova plugin for Intercom
Ionic Cordova SDK
Cordova Ionic Discover plugin
Cordova WKWebView OpenBlank Plugin
Cordova Plugin for iOS 12/13 ASWebAuthenticationSession API
Cordova / PhoneGap Plugin Permission Settings for NSCameraUsageDescription, NSPhotoLibraryUsageDescription, NSPhotoLibraryAddUsageDescription and NSMicrophoneUsageDescription in iOS 11 by adding a declaration to the Info.plist file
Cordova Plugin iOS to use iCloud via CloudKit framework
Adding Decimal Numeric Keyboard Support for iOS
Simple cordova plugin for iOS that adds ability to detect when a screenshot is taken via a JavaScript event listener.
Cordova Plugin to disable UIScrollView bounce on ios
Sets status bar as hidden in ios cordova project.
Cordova plugin for iOS In App Ratings And Reviews
This plugin allows your app access to the iOS KeyChain from Cordova. See: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/security/conceptual/keychainServConcepts/iPhoneTasks/iPhoneTasks.html
Cordova / PhoneGap Plugin Permission Settings for NSMicrophoneUsageDescription in iOS 10 by adding a declaration to the Info.plist file
Export Compliance: set ITSAppUsesNonExemptEncryption to false in Info.plist file
Cordova iOS plugin exposing the full WebRTC W3C JavaScript APIs
Iron source sdk for cordova based development
Jailbreak/Root Detection Plugin for Apache Cordova
A cordova plugin to detect if the device is running in debug mode or not.
Cordova / PhoneGap Plugin for detecting if the device running the app is jailbroken.
jcore for cordova plugin
jitsi meet sdk
JPush for Capacitor plugin
Kakao Cordova SDK Plugin
Cordova Keyboard Plugin
Fix iOS scroll bug when keyboard is showed.
Scan the fingerprint of your user with the TouchID sensor (iPhone 5S, iPhone 6(S), ..) and control a key in the Keychain
Official Cordova SDK for integrating Kumulos services with your mobile apps
Account Manager cordova plugin for android and keychain for iOS
Cordova Laser Barcode Scanner Plugin
Cross-platform plugin for Cordova / PhoneGap to to easily stream play videos using libVLC. Available for Android ONLY for Now.
linsip support using linphone framework
PhoneGap plugin to display a list picker dialog for Android and iOS.
Schedules and queries for local notifications
Schedules and queries for local notifications
Schedules and queries for local notifications
Cordova Local Web Server Plugin
Android geolocation plugin using Google Play Services Location API.
Apache Cordova plugin to show Lottie animations as the splash screen with Airbnb's Lottie wrapper
Cordova Magnetometer Plugin
Cordova Plugin for access to Google Play and Apple Store within your app
A Cordova Plugin to access the native Salesforce Marketing Cloud MobilePush SDKs
Cordova Background Geolocation Plugin
Cordova Media Plugin
Cordova Media Capture Plugin
android ios mediaPicker support selection of multiple image and video
MediaScanner should be called to add a downloaded image to Android Gallery.
Migrate LocalStorage data from UIWebView to WKWebView
Plugin for minifying your html, js and css
Mixpanel Cordova Plugin for iOS, Android and Browser Platforms
cordova plugin for mobile ocr text recognition
Google MLKit Vision Barcode Scanner Plugin
cordova plugin for mobile ocr text recognition
Cordova Mock Gps Checker Plugin
Cordova Mock Location Check Plugin
Cordova plugin for mParticle
Provides Microsoft Azure Active Directory (ADAL) OAuth client.
Provides Microsoft Azure Active Directory (ADAL) OAuth client.
Provides Microsoft Azure Active Directory (ADAL) OAuth client.
A Cordova plugin providing a wrapper for Microsoft's MSAL library for Android and iOS.
This plugin adds the multidex flag Android builds by amending the AndroidManifest.xml generated by Cordova
A Cordova plugin that allows users to pick multiple documents/images at once.
Music controls for Cordova apps
Music controls for Cordova apps
A plugin to check the App Store or Google Play Store for iOS and Android respectively.
This plugin aims to solve common keyboard problems encountered with Cordova / PhoneGap apps. The messenger component (see screenshots) is ready for production, but this plugin will have more tricks up its sleeve. I'll document those once they're ready for
Get and play the native ringtone list on Android/IOS devices.
A Cordova plugin for showing a progress indicator based on Paldom/SpinnerDialog
Cordova/PhoneGap Plugin for low latency Native Audio Playback, must have for HTML5 games
Cordova/PhoneGap Plugin for low latency Native Audio Playback, must have for HTML5 games
Cordova plugin for native forward and reverse geocoding
Native storage of variables in Android, iOS and Windows
hide and auto hide navigation bar.
Cordova NavigationBar Plugin
Cordova network plugin for Android
Cordova Network Information Plugin
This plugin allows your application to retrieve the local wifi address and http proxy information.
Cordova File Transfer Plugin
Near Field Communication (NFC) Plugin. Read and write NDEF messages to NFC tags and share NDEF messages with peers.
Cordova plugin for Onfido
A plugin for Autoverification of OTP
This plugin allows you to add passes to Passbook
Cordova Plugin Alipay
This cordova plugin uses com.github.barteksc:android-pdf-viewer project and show a PDF reader with a callback button(optional)
Cordova / PhoneGap Plugin for the Core Motion Pedometer to fetch pedestrian-related data, such as step counts and other information about the distance travelled.
This plugin is intended to show a picture from an URL into a Photo Viewer with zoom features.
A Cordova plugin for PhotoEditor SDK. Integrate the photo editor into your own HTML5, iOS or Android app - in minutes!
Create video thumbnails from video files; iOS 6+, Android API 17+
PhoneGap / Cordova numeric password dialog plugin for Android and iOS.
Checks whether the device has pin passcode setup on device
Cordova Ping Plugin
Picture-In-Picture support for Android.
Plantilla base para crear un Plugin personalizado
*Cordova plugin power save* ========================================================= This plugins give you android PowerManager methods with cordova.
full wake lock for the app which runs for a long time without user interaction.
Cordova Prevent Override Plugin
Cordova Prevent Screenshots
Plugin to preview any file type from any where in native mode
Cordova Print PDF Plugin
Prints HTML documents
Secures your app from displaying a screenshot in task switchers under Android and iOS. Keeps sensitive information private.
Secures your app from displaying a screenshot in task switchers under Android and iOS. Keeps sensitive information private.
cordova plugin to show a native progress indicator
Cordova Purchase plugin for iOS, Android, Windows (AppStore, Play, UWP)
Purchases Cordova Plugin
Push Notification for iOS (Swift) and Android (Kotlin)
You can use the BarcodeScanner plugin to scan different types of barcodes (using the device's camera) and get the metadata encoded in them for processing within your application.
Fast, energy-efficient, highly-configurable QR code and barcode scanner.
Fast, energy-efficient, highly-configurable QR code scanner.
Fast, energy-efficient, highly-configurable QR code scanner.
Fast, energy-efficient, highly-configurable QR code scanner.
Fast, energy-efficient, highly-configurable QR code scanner.
Plugin for TLPrompt Project
Plantilla base para crear un Plugin personalizado
Cordova Plugin implemented library drawreceiptlib to build receipt image
Cordova/Phonegap plugin for Android to request Location Accuracy mode via Google Play Services.
This plugin adds Rollbar App monitoring to your application. Currently supports iOS and Android. You need to subscribe to the Rollbar service to use the plugin and make sure to set the ROLLBAR_ACCESS_TOKEN and ROLLBAR_ENVIRONMENT variables on install.
Cordova RongCloud IMLib Plugin
Cordova RTSP player
Forget InAppBrowser for iOS - this is way better for displaying read-only web content in your PhoneGap app.
A cordova plugin to get the size of the iPhone X safe area
This plugin allows you to save an image file to the iOS Photo Library or Android Gallery.
Cordova plugin to save base64 data as a png/jpg image into the device and applying compression if needed
Cordova Plugin for the Scanbot Barcode Scanner SDK
Cordova Plugin for the Scanbot Document and Barcode Scanner SDK
Scanzy Barcode Scanner SDK
Plugin allows lock and unlock device screen by calling plugin
Cordova Screen Orientation plugin
Cordova plugin to handle screenshot
A cordova plugin to get the size of the device screen
Cordova plugin for securely saving keys, passwords or strings on devices.
Secure storage plugin for iOS & Android
Secure storage plugin for iOS & Android
Cordova plugin helpful to modify Android and iOS settings with config.xml parameters. Based on the work of Devin Jett and Diego Netto on generator-ionic
A Cordova plugin that checks if an android app was side loaded or downloaded from the play store.
A plugin to get the device's SIM data (carrier name, mcc mnc, country code, telephonenumber, imei, etc)
Cordova file chooser plugin
Plugin for resizing images only with the uri of the image.
Sinoservices developed plugin
sip support using linphone framework
Cordova Sketch Plugin
Official Smartlook SDK plugin for Cordova Android and iOS applications.
Cordova plugin to operate SMS, send/list/intercept/delete/restore
Cordova plugin to receive SMS in Android
Cordova plugin to retrieve SMS in Android using the SMS Retriever API.
Easily retrieve SMS messages using the Google SMS Retriever API with our cross-platform plugin designed for Ionic/Cordova. This powerful tool streamlines the process and is specifically available for Android devices.
Basic SMTP client for editing and sending email messages
Cordova plugin for VK auth (forked from https://github.com/OrangeAppsRu/cordova-social-vk)
This Cordova plugin provides JavaScript API, that allows you to communicate with server through TCP protocol. Currently we support these platforms: iOS, Android, WP8.
Cordova Plugin for Speech Recognition
PhoneGap / Cordova waiting dialog (progress indicator) plugin with spinner for Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8. Maintained from original Paldom/SpinnerDialog repository.
PhoneGap waiting dialog (progress indicator) plugin with spinner for Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8.
Cordova Splashscreen Plugin
Cordova SQLite Plugin
Cordova SQLite Plugin 2
This plugin allows allows you to check the SSL Certificate of the server you're connecting to. This can be useful for prevention of Man In The Middle attacks.
Cordova HTTP plugin with SSL Pinning for iOS (AFnetworking) and Android (OKhttp3)
StarPRNT Cordova Plugin for Star Micronics Bluetooth/LAN printers
A StartApp Ads Plugin
Cordova StatusBar Plugin
Plugin to integrate with Stetho a debug bridge for Android applications
Cordova plugin that lets you use Stripe's Native SDKs for Android and iOS
Cordova/Ionic Sunmi V1 Inner Printer
``` /* return 0 when dont have SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission, 1 when have SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission */ cordova.plugins.systemAlertWindowPermission.hasPermission(successFunction, errorFunction);
Secures your app from Tapjacking attacks under Android.
Use Apple's Taptic Engine to vibrate your iPhone 6s (or up) in a variety of ways.
This plugin allows selection of multiple images from the camera roll / gallery in a phonegap app
Cordova Plugin to detect whether dark mode or light mode is detected on your device
Cordova ThemeableBrowser Plugin
If you want HD video recording, starting with the front camera by default, or use an (transparent PNG) overlay during recording (iOS only feature)? Look no further! All options of the default plugin are available as well, so you c
A Cordova plugin that allows users to utilise ThreatMetrix technologies.
Scan the fingerprint of your user with the TouchID sensor, or the user's Face with Face ID on iPhone X
Cordova plugin to use the App Tracking Transparency framework for iOS 14.5 and above.
Cordova / PhoneGap Plugin to allow 'Arbitrary Loads' by adding a declaration to the Info.plist file to bypass the iOS 9 App Transport Security
Cordova Plugin for TSC Printers
Cordova Text-to-Speech Plugin
Updated Cordova Text-to-Speech Plugin
PhoneGap / Cordova unique device id (UUID) plugin for Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8.
PhoneGap / Cordova unique device id (UUID) plugin for Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8. Remains the same after app uninstall.
Cordova plugin for showing a notification for app updates.
A Cordova plugin to retrieve the system uptime in milliseconds since boot.
cordova plugin usb hid
Cordova plug-in for serial port
Allows you to change your User-Agent for HTTP requests.
Plugin provides a way for haptic and acoustic feedback (native alike) to the user.
Cordova Vibration Plugin
If you want HD video recording, starting with the front camera by default, or use an (transparent PNG) overlay during recording (iOS only feature)? Look no further! All options of the default plugin are available as well, so you c
Cordova Video Editor Plugin
Cordova Video Editor Plugin
A Codova plugin that simply allows you to immediately play a video in fullscreen mode.
A Cordova plugin for VideoEditor SDK. Integrate the video editor into your own HTML5, iOS or Android app - in minutes!
Cordova Volume Control Plugin
Cordova Voxeet Plugin
Cordova Vuforia Plugin
A Cordova wrapper for the Vuforia SDK
Cordova Set Wallpaper Plugin
Allows communication to Apple Watch devices through the WatchOS 2+ Watch Connectivity Framework
Web Share API polyfill for Cordova
Cordova Plugin Webserver
Cordova WebSocket Plugin for Android
Cordova WebSocket Server Plugin
Cordova webview plugin
A cordova plugin, a JS version of Wechat SDK
A cordova plugin, a JS version of Wechat SDK
Cordova Whitelist Plugin
Wi-Fi Manager Plugin for Apache Cordova
Cordova WiFi Manager for Android and iOS
Cordova WKUserScript Plugin
Cordova WKWebView Cookies Plugin
Cordova WKWebView File XHR Plugin
Cordova plugin to inject a dummy cookie in a WKWebView instance. This is necessary to get the sync process started.
Cordova plugin to fix local file XHR access inside WKWebView
A plugin that exposes utils to set wallpaper and lockscreen images
Share text, images (and other files), or a link via the native sharing widget of your device. Android is fully supported, as well as iOS 6 and up. WP8 has somewhat limited support.
Share text, images (and other files), or a link via the native sharing widget of your device. Android is fully supported, as well as iOS 6 and up. WP8 has somewhat limited support.
This plugin allows you to show a Toast. A Toast is a little non intrusive buttonless popup which automatically disappears.
Cordova plugin to integrate yellow.ai chatbot
A Cordova/Phonegap driver for Zebra bluetooth printers
A Cordova/Phonegap driver for Zebra bluetooth printers
Cordova ZeroConf plugin
Unzips zip files
This is a polyfill of the ES6 Promise for Cordova.
Cross-platform plugin for Cordova / PhoneGap to to easily stream RTSP or RTMP. Available for Android ONLY.
Simple file crypto for Cordova.
Cordova plugin to save base64 data as a png/jpg image into the device and applying compression if needed
Cordova plugin which notifies when the user presses the volume buttons of the device
Cross-platform plugin for Cordova / PhoneGap to to easily send SMS. Available for Android, iOS and WP.
SQLCipher database adapter for PhoneGap/Cordova, based on cordova-sqlite-storage
Native interface to SQLite for PhoneGap/Cordova with extra features
Native interface to SQLite for PhoneGap / Cordova - cordova-sqlite-storage plugin version
Cordova plugin for SumUp SDK integration
More convenient base CordovaPlugin class
Cordova plugin to add google service support
Twitter Connect Plugin - Allows single-sign on logins using Latest Twitter SDK
Cordova unique device id (UUID) plugin for Android, iOS and Windows Phone 8. Remains the same after app uninstall.
Cordova plugin to add in your application support for Universal Links (iOS 9) and Deep Links (Android). Basically, open application through the link in the browser.
Cordova plugin to add in your application support for Universal Links (iOS 9) and Deep Links (Android). Basically, open application through the link in the browser.
Cordova plugin for UXCam - enables the recording of your applications screen
A native Android/iOS wheel selector plugin for Cordova or Ionic projects (pick numbers, strings, etc)
Cordova WifiInfo Plugin
Cordova zip compress and decompress
A Cordova plugin for the Zoho SalesIQ Mobilisten SDK
A Cordova Plugin for Zoom Video Conferencing
Cordova/Phonegap plugin to check the state of Location/WiFi/Camera/Bluetooth device settings.
Cordova plugin to communicate with the android USB serial port
A phone call trap
Disable ios boucing
to create facebook ads this plugin will help...
a fingerprint plugin for ifreezer
Cordova ThemeableBrowser Plugin
GetFeedback Capacitor is wrapper for GetFeedback SDK.
Capacitor plugin for Iamport
포트원 코르도바용 일반, 정기결제 및 휴대폰 본인인증 플러그인입니다.
Capacitor Indigitall Plugin
Plugin for resizing images only with the uri of the image.
The cordova plugin for the Anyline SDK
Listen for Volume Button pressed in IONIC Capacitor Project
Refresh the Media file in Android Device Gallery application instantly after download from the Ionic Application
Ionic Deeplinks Plugin
Ionic Keyboard Plugin
print labels with an zebra label printer on the local network
Capacitor ios tracking transparency plugin
JPush for cordova plugin
Jumio Mobile SDK Plugin for Cordova
Localytics Plugin for Cordova/PhoneGap
Capacitor plugin for MetaMapSDK
Modus Create Demo Cordova Plugin
Capacitor 3 plugin for automatic dark mode detection on native platforms such as Android and iOS
Call Number from Cordova Application
A native market plugin for linking to google play or app store.
Background Audio for iOS When included within a cordova/phonegap build then the application will support background audio for iOS out of the box. No further action is necessary. This negates having to use location/other solutions that may not b
OneSignal is a high volume Push Notification service for mobile apps. In addition to basic notification delivery, OneSignal also provides tools to localize, target, schedule, and automate notifications that you send.
An awesome plugin!
Near Field Communication (NFC) Plugin. Read and write NDEF messages to NFC tags and share NDEF messages with peers.
You can use the BarcodeScanner plugin to scan different types of barcodes (using the device's camera) and get the metadata encoded in them for processing within your application.
You can use the BarcodeScanner plugin to scan different types of barcodes (using the device's camera) and get the metadata encoded in them for processing within your application.
You can use the BarcodeScanner plugin to scan different types of barcodes (using the device's camera) and get the metadata encoded in them for processing within your application.
PhoneGap Mobile Accessibility Plugin
Enable multidex in a Apache Cordova/PhoneGap application
Register and receive push notifications.
Capacitor Plugin for presentation api
PushPole plugin for Cordova
This plugin allows you to send and receive push notifications. Powered by Pushwoosh (www.pushwoosh.com).
The official Pushy SDK for Cordova apps.
A sample push receiver implementation for the Pushy SDK for Cordova.
Scandit Data Capture SDK for Capacitor
Scandit Data Capture SDK for Capacitor
Scandit Data Capture SDK for Capacitor
Scandit Data Capture SDK for Capacitor
Scandit Data Capture SDK for Cordova
Scandit Data Capture SDK for Cordova
Segment Cordova Plugin
This Capacitor plugin can be used in Ionic applications for receiving data from Intent.SEND_ACTION (works only for intent type "text/plain")
Official Sentry SDK for Cordova
Singular Cordova SDK
Provides access to android intents.
Tealium Customer Data Hub
Cordova wrapper for ESC/POS Telpo Printer library
Test plugin
Twitter Connect Plugin - Allows single-sign on logins using Twitter
Enables importing/exporting of SQLite databases to/from JSON/SQL.
Cordova/Phonegap plugin to navigate to a destination using native navigation apps on Android, iOS, and Windows
Urban Airship Cordova plugin
Urban Airship Cordova Gimbal plugin
Verify Automatic Date, Time and Timezone
Webview Plugin for Capacitor
Cordova WiFi Manager for Android and iOS
Mobile push notification delivery with the WonderPush service. The WonderPush Cordova SDK is compatible with iOS and Android.
Mobile push notification delivery with the WonderPush service. The WonderPush Cordova SDK is compatible with iOS and Android. Firebase compatibility module.
WXS Network
Capacitor plugin for Zebra Printers
Read / Write iOS Reminders
Nordic DFU OTA integration for Capacitor