AdMob Plus Capacitor Plugin
AdMob Plus Capacitor Plugin
Adobe Experience Platform - Analytics plugin for Cordova apps.
Adobe Experience Platform - Core plugin for Cordova apps.
Select Multiple Contacts
Manage Android media files
Cordova plugin to fix local file XHR access inside WKWebView for Cordova iOS 6+
Alan Voice Cordova plugin
Provides access to the native biometric auth & device security APIs for Capacitor apps
Universal dark mode support for Ionic web and native apps
Enhanced, universal logging for Capacitor apps and plugins
Capacitor 5+ plugin that provides secure storage for the iOS and Android
A Capacitor plugin that provides full native splash screen functionality
Cordova plugin for communicating with HTTP servers with Approov integration and dynamic SSL pinning
Jailbreak Root detection Plugin for Capacitor
Fast, energy-efficient, highly-configurable QR code scanner.
A fast and efficient (QR) barcode scanner for Capacitor
Remote logging with Bugfender
Capacitor plugin to download and share files for the Web, Android and iOS
Capacitor OAuth 2 client plugin
Capacitor SMS plugin
Allows users to select a single contact from their device.
A native plugin for AdMob
Allows access to the IDFA (iOS) and AAID (Android)
Capacitor community plugin for changing an iOS app icon.
Capacitor Plugin for Microsoft's App Center SDK.
Capacitor plugin for AppCenter Analytics
Capacitor plugin for Microsoft's App Center Crashes
Capacitor Sign in with Apple
Receive geolocation updates even while the app is in the background.
A fast and efficient (QR) barcode scanner for Capacitor
Capacitor plugin for Bluetooth Low Energy
Camera preview
Plugin using native Maps API for Android and iOS.
Contacts Plugin for Capacitor
Native DateTime Picker Plugin for Capacitor Apps
Capacitor plugin for the DeviceCheck API
A native plugin for Facebook Login
Enable Firebase Cloud Messaging features for Capacitor apps
Capacitor File Opener. The plugin is able to open a file given the mimeType and the file uri.
A native plugin for firebase analytics.
Capacitor plugin for Firebase Crashlytics.
Capacitor OAuth 2 client plugin
Plugin using native Maps API for Android and iOS.
A native HTTP plugin for CORS-free requests and file transfers
Image to Text (OCR) Plugin for Capacitor
Enable Intercom features for Capacitor apps
Prevent your screen from getting some sleep!
Capacitor community plugin for reading app configurations written by a MDM (see appconfig.org) such as VMWare Workspace One.
Capacitor plugin for saving and retrieving photos and videos, and managing photo albums.
A native plugin for native audio engine
A native market plugin for linking to google play or app store.
PhotoViewer table images with fullscreen and sharing capabilities
Capacitor plugin for the Play Integrity API
Capacitor plugin that protects your app from displaying a screenshot in Recents screen/App Switcher.
Capacitor plugin with methods to check and update the Android Security Provider
control screen brightness on ios and android
A native plugin for speech recognition
Community plugin for native & electron SQLite databases
Stripe SDK bindings for Capacitor Applications
Stripe Identity SDK bindings for Capacitor Applications
Stripe SDK bindings for Capacitor Applications
Capacitor Plugin to prevent tap jacking in Android
Capacitor plugin for synthesizing speech from text.
Enable TwitterKit features for Capacitor
Capacitor plugin for UXCam and FullStory analytics. It uses UXCam for Android and iOS platforms and FullStory for Web/PWA.
capacitor plugin to record video
Capacitor plugin for Firebase Analytics.
Capacitor plugin for Firebase App.
Capacitor plugin for Firebase App Check.
Capacitor plugin for Firebase Authentication.
Capacitor plugin for Firebase Crashlytics.
Capacitor plugin for Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM).
Capacitor plugin for Firebase Performance Monitoring.
Capacitor plugin for Firebase Remote Config.
Capacitor plugin for ML Kit Barcode Scanning.
Capacitor plugin for ML Kit Translation.
Cordova Camera Plugin
Cordova InAppBrowser Plugin
Plugin to preview any file type from any where in native mode
The Action Sheet API provides access to native Action Sheets, which come up from the bottom of the screen and display actions a user can take.
The App API handles high level App state and events.For example, this API emits events when the app enters and leaves the foreground, handles deeplinks, opens other apps, and manages persisted plugin state.
The AppLauncher API allows to open other apps
Capacitor Background Runner
Capacitor plugin using Outsystems Barcode libs
The Browser API provides the ability to open an in-app browser and subscribe to browser events.
The Camera API provides the ability to take a photo with the camera or choose an existing one from the photo album.
The Clipboard API enables copy and pasting to/from the system clipboard.
The Device API exposes internal information about the device, such as the model and operating system version, along with user information such as unique ids.
The Dialog API provides methods for triggering native dialog windows for alerts, confirmations, and input prompts
The Filesystem API provides a NodeJS-like API for working with files on the device.
The Geolocation API provides simple methods for getting and tracking the current position of the device using GPS, along with altitude, heading, and speed information if available.
Google maps on Capacitor
The Haptics API provides physical feedback to the user through touch or vibration.
The Keyboard API provides keyboard display and visibility control, along with event tracking when the keyboard shows and hides.
The InAppBrowser Plugin provides a web browser view that allows you to load any web page externally. It behaves as a standard web browser and is useful to load untrusted content without risking your application's security. It offers three different ways t
Official Live Updates plugin for Capacitor
The Local Notifications API provides a way to schedule device notifications locally (i.e. without a server sending push notifications).
The Network API provides network and connectivity information.
The Preferences API provides a simple key/value persistent store for lightweight data.
The Push Notifications API provides access to native push notifications.
The Screen Orientation API provides methods to lock and unlock the screen orientation.
The Screen Reader API provides access to TalkBack/VoiceOver/etc. and provides simple text-to-speech capabilities for visual accessibility.
The Share API provides methods for sharing content in any sharing-enabled apps the user may have installed.
The Splash Screen API provides methods for showing or hiding a Splash image.
The StatusBar API Provides methods for configuring the style of the Status Bar, along with showing or hiding it.
The Storage API provides a simple key/value persistent store for lightweight data.
The Text Zoom API provides the ability to change Web View text size for visual accessibility.
The Toast API provides a notification pop up for displaying important information to a user. Just like real toast!
Provide Watch interfaces and communication
Capacitor plugin to access battery optimization settings on Android.
Capacitor plugin to run a foreground service on Android.
Capacitor plugin that let the user easily enter both a date and a time.
Capacitor plugin to open a file with the default application.
Capacitor plugin that assists with app updates.
Capacitor plugin for running background tasks.
Capacitor plugin to access and update the badge number of the app icon.
Unofficial Capacitor plugin for integrating with Cloudinary.
Capacitor plugin that allows the user to select a file.
Capacitor plugin to access managed configuration settings.
Capacitor plugin that allows the user to edit a photo.
Capacitor plugin to lock/unlock the screen orientation.
Camera preview
Crisp native SDK for capacitor
Switch the Flashlight / Torch of your device.
Detect if the mute switch is enabled/disabled on a device
In-app Subscriptions Made Easy with RevenueCat sdk
Record device's screen
Live update for capacitor apps
Upload file natively
Capacitor plugin in app browser
A native plugin for native audio engine
A native market plugin for linking to google play or app store.
Capacitor plugin for native forward and reverse geocoding
CaptureID Printer Plugin
CaptureID Camera Scanner Plugin
Native Sign In With Apple CapacitorJS Plugin
Google Auth plugin for capacitor.
Cordova Plugin AGC AppLinking
Google Auth plugin for capacitor.
Datalogic Cordova SDK for Android devices
A Capacitor plug in to scan QR Codes
Zebra printer capacitor plugin library with ZSDK API
A fast and efficient (QR) barcode scanner for Capacitor
This plugin gives you the ability to use the Dynatrace instrumentation in your hybrid application (Cordova, Ionic, ..). It uses the Mobile Agent, the JavaScript Agent. The Mobile Agent will give you all device specific values containing lifecycle informat
Capacitor Peer to Peer connectivity plugin
plugin used for connect the device trhought Wifi also with prefix
A native plugin for firebase remote config
Google Auth plugin for capacitor.
A native plugin for native audio engine
Apple Pay plugin for Capacitor
UDP Plugin for CapacitorJS inspired by the UDP Plugin of https://github.com/unitree-czk/capacitor-udp
This is a plugin for Capacitor that enables Chromecast functionality for iOS and Android.
Cordova plugin to save base64 data as a png image into the device
Register and receive push notifications.
A plugin to expose the safe area insets from the native iOS/Android device to your web project.
Cordova HMS Location Plugin
Cordova HMS Push Plugin
Capacitor plugin for Branch.io deep links
Enable Intercom features for Capacitor apps
Capacitor plugin for Mixpanel
Capacitor Plugin for Navigation Bar
Capacitor plugin for the SmartScanner Core library to scan MRZ, NFC and barcodes
Preview any file
Android 6.0 permissions check.
Capacitor Plugin used to enable Apple Pay in an Application
This plugin allows you to add credit cards to Apple Wallet
Auth Connect adds single sign-on and secure user authentication to a Capacitor or Cordova project using OpenID Connect authentication standards (OIDC).
Shows the count of unread messages as a badge on the app icon.
Cordova Camera Plugin
Enables module federation with Capacitor
Clipboard management plugin for Cordova/PhoneGap that supports iOS, Android, and WP8
Ionic Contacts Plugin
Integration for Couchbase Lite (2.x+) in Ionic enterprise apps
Cordova Device Plugin
Cordova Notification Plugin
Cordova Geolocation Plugin
Capacitor Plugin used to enable Google Pay in an Application
Identity Vault is an all-in-one frontend identity management system that combines security best practices and the latest in biometric authentication options for Ionic apps running on iOS and Android. The Vault manages secure user identity and session toke
Cordova InAppBrowser Plugin
Support for Microsoft Intune
Native storage of variables in Android, iOS and Windows
Cordova Network Information Plugin
Cordova Screen Orientation plugin
Secure Storage is a local database system for high performance, secure data storage on iOS and Android. It provides full SQL query and relational data support through SQLite, as well as key/value support. Full encryption support (using 256-bit AES) is pro
Cordova Splashscreen Plugin
Provide SSL pinning for Capacitor Native HTTP Plugin
Cordova StatusBar Plugin
Capacitor Plugin used to enable Zebra Scanning DataWedge API functionality in an Application
IronSource Mediation Adapter for AdMob
A File Opener Plugin for Cordova
Capacitor plugin for skipping ssl checks
Capacitor plugin for media notifications and platform media keys as well as background audio playback
Capacitor Plugin for Firebase Dynamic Links
Enable Intercom features for Capacitor apps
A Capacitor plugin for Segment analytics
A native plugin for firebase remote config
Capacitor plugin to register push notifications via Azure Notification Hub.
Capacitor plugin for multiple image selection
Capacitor plugin to get information from device's sim cards
Allows printing on SPP BT printers
Enable Intercom features for Capacitor apps
Cordova Background Geolocation Plugin
The Push Notifications API provides access to native Azure push notifications for Capacitor.
Basic websocket for capacitor
AI-driven credit card scanning for cross-platform apps built with Capacitor.
A small and powerful ID card Capacitor plugin for BlinkID SDK
Enable Firebase Cloud Messaging features for Capacitor apps
Capacitor plugin that launches salesforce chat ui
Moodle's fork of a File Opener Plugin for Cordova.
Moodle's fork of Cordova File Transfer Plugin
Moodle's fork of Cordova InAppBrowser Plugin
Moodle's fork of a general purpose intent shim layer for cordova appliations on Android. Handles various techniques for sending and receiving intents.
Moodle's fork of Cordova Local Notifications Plugin
Moodle's fork of Cordova QRScanner Plugin.
Moodle's fork of Cordova Plugin File
Moodle's fork of Cordova Push Plugin.
This Microphone API provides the ability to interact with the microphone and record Audio
Capacitor plugin for picking contact from native contacts list
A native plugin for firebase remote config
Connect to SIP phone line
Run SQLite on the device and IndexedDB in the browser with exactly the same API with nanoSQL 2!
NativeScript for Capacitor
NewRelic Plugin for ionic Capacitor
Capacitor geocoder plugin for iOS and Android to reverse and forward addresses
Native DateTime Picker Plugin for Capacitor Apps
Capacitor Wrapper for TextRecognition of Gogoles ML-Kit
Capacitor wrapper for Headwind MDM
Native bridge with Capacitor plugin and PixelPaySDK
Capacitor Plugin for Native Firestore
Integrate with Square Payments SDK
Starts navigation in the native maps application
Notification that user shot screenshot
This plugin enables MSAL support for Capacitor.
Cordova plugin for reading and validation of identification documents (API framework)
Cordova plugin for reading and validation of identification documents (Core framework)